About Us

Liveon Healthcare was established on 17th Nov.2012 with a vision to become a pioneer in introducing innovative and high end quality products to human kind.

The Name 'Liveon' itself indicates our thoughts about growth and giving liveliness to the society.

A Journey started with a small but dedicated team of experienced people and it goes increasing day by day.

It is rightly said that success is not a destination but it is a continuous journey and we proved it…In a very short span of time we expand our self and have a presence in multiple states of India and still growing day by day. Every day, every week and every month we introduce our self to some new regions of India. Also Launch new divisions for other specialties like General Physicians, Orthopedics and Pediatricians.

Our Motto is not just to provide quality medicine but to give healthy and meaningful life to woman as we all know 'Prevention is better than cure'

As innovation and newness is in our gene, we have successfully introduced some very unique products 1st time in India and enables doctors to serve their patients proudly.

We are very grateful to all people who have shown their trust in our quality product and also for those who provided their shoulders for the growth of a company in achieving a current position.

Our Mission is to come into the Top 5 company in Gynec-Speciality.

Let’s celebrate life together because Life is On with Liveon...

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